Category Archives: Style

Sep: #3 Maintain a schedule and stick to it

Hello, fellow-Developers and welcome to the end of September! This month, I’ll talk about schedules, deadlines, and holding yourself accountable. To encompass all of these things, I’ll start with a discussion on To Do Lists. Conducting research on the Internet about writing tasks down in advance will yield some amazing results: “…you become 42% more likely […]

Aug: #4 ~ Have a strong template for providing feedback

Welcome back, Developers! I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of August…I remember like it was yesterday hanging out at the local FLGS, playing games at the Irish Pub with friends, and socializing in my own home for my monthly Game Nights. Recently, I’ve been spending more time focused on the Professor’s Lab, reaching out to new […]

Jul: #5 Collaborate broadly…you can’t do it alone

Welcome back, Developers and Designers! Today, we move into the upper half of the Top 10 list as I delve into the idea of collaboration. While I’ve mentioned this notion in other blog entries and will certainly do so during the balance of the year, today, the entre focus of these 1,000 words are dedicated […]

May: #7 Read, listen, and watch a lot of great content

Welcome back, Developers! In this month’s blog entry, I want to turn our attention to the countless podcasters and vidcasters who give of their time and talent. typically on a biweekly basis. It is through their collected, dedicated work that we have access to so many titles, designers, and publishers. With more than 100 different […]